I suggested removal of medical examination certificate in entirety and replace it with either Disability Certificate OR MSJE's Unique Disability ID (UDID). Director General of NCGG Dr Gyanendra Badgaiyan was very receptive. Few participant raised the issue of multiple format by hospitals to which I highlighted 'Persons with Disabilities Amendment Rules 2009’. Based on stakeholder response from disability sector, RTO certificate was preferred over manufacturer. The affidavit wont be needed as the same info can be used in the online form just above signature. UDID will also make copy of Aadhar card irrelevant.
DG NCGG was especially irked by 'invalid carriage' and I proposed to use the term 'Adapted/Altered Vehicle driven by a person with disability'. He said he will personally take up the issues with Secretaries. Knowing his past contribution in bureaucracy, I am hopeful. Revision of forms will help those PwD also who can use manual transmission. Unlike the PMR deptt of Safdarjug Hospital, now PwDs wont be asked to get mental certificate on 'state of mental health' (Yes, they have actually mentioned this in writing)
Hats off to DHI and Director Praveen Aggarwal and Under Secy Ajai Gaur for hearing me patiently and putting things into action over the past one year. This is not their job still they are doing it. Sadly, I dont have such nice words for nodal Ministry (MSJE or Deptt of Empowerment of PwD)
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